Computer Based Summer Math Resources
Go to > CLICK Student SIGN-IN > Enter the same login information that you used during the school year.
Freckle Adaptive Levels
If your child has met their grade level expectations on Adaptive Practice in Freckle please consider creating a free family account on Prodigy.
Prodigy > Click PARENTS
*NO Teacher code needed - you will create a home account and monitor student progress
Summer Math Resources
The first document is the Summer Math Activity Menu. This document will guide students in choosing math activities that will keep their skills sharp!
Students will keep track of their hard work on the second document, the Summer Math Log.
The third document, Fact Fluency Guide, will help to explain what facts we expect students to master at each grade level. These documents were sent home with students. Additional copies may be downloaded by clicking the blue boxes above.
Addition flash cards may be downloaded here. Multiplication flash cards may be downloaded here.
Click on your child's next year's grade level to download a special summer math game!
Thank you very much for your support with this important initiative,
Jill K. Milton
Elementary Math Coordinator
Norwood Public Schools
Joe Kidd
Director of Technology
Norwood Public Schools
Alexander Wyeth
Assistant Superintendent
Norwood Public Schools
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